Saturday, October 1, 2011

10 Reasons Why

1. I want people to look at me and never again think I need to lose weight
2. I want people to think of me as skinny, never again as the chubby girl
3. I want to be able to eat in front of my friends without feeling self concious
4. I want to be able to eat in front of my family without one of them asking why I have that much on my plate
5. I want to be able to eat whatever I want and not care about the calories, my body is already perfect
6. I want to be able to be in my leotard and tights, look in the mirror and and admire my thin limbs
7. I want to not have to have a pit in my stomach when I step on the scale
8. I want to answer truthfully and be proud when people ask me how much I weigh
9. I want to step on the scale and smile
10. I want to look in the mirror and for the first time like what I see.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to those reasons....(except the leotard...i gave up ballet a longgg time ago)
    Especially #2...never again as the chubby girl.
    Stay strong. :)
